The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute is successfully developing and delivering scholarly programmes that exchange knowledge and understanding between Canada and India. To maintain this unique relationship with India, we rely on the generous contributions of our past, present and future friends and supporters.
Donations are tax-deductible and assist the Shastri Institute in its efforts to support academic programs and future initiatives.
There are three options available for donating to the Institute: DONATIONS CAN ONLY BE RECEIVED BY SICI CANADA OFFICE
Over the Telephone or In Person
Come visit us at our Canada Office located at the University of Calgary – 1418 Education Tower. Or, if you wish to confidentially provide your credit card number please contact our Finance Officer at 403-220-7667 .
By Canada Post/Mail
A cheque or money order made out to the “Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute” may be sent to the Finance Officer at the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute 1418 Education Tower, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4. Please do not send cash through the mail.
Electronically using your credit card
Through the non-profit agency, Canada Helps, the Shastri Institute is able to collect donations electronically via Visa and MasterCard payments. More information on this method of donation can be found on-line at .
The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute is appreciative of all contributions from supporters and friends of the Institute. Thank you for your generous and continuing support.