
Alumni Details

S_No Program Name Year Canadian Scholar Canadian Institution Indian Scholar Indian Institution Project Title
1,900 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2016-17 University of Saskatchewan Tamanna Anwar Jawaharlal Nehru University Selective killing of cancer cells by developing inhibitors against specific target lysine methyltransfrrase (METTLA2A)
1,899 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2016-17 University of Regina Partha Kundu IIT Roorkee A Novel Approach For Enhancing The Efficiency of Crude Oil Recovery Techniques By Nanoparticle Stabilized Pickering Emulsions (Nanofluids)
1,898 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2016-17 Queen's University KaviyaSomasundaram IIT Madras Chemical Sensor For On-LineMonitoring Of ExtremelyDangerous Narcotics AndFentanyl
1,897 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2016-17 Nicole Rigillo McGill University IIM Bangalore ?Open-Source Governance: Ethnography of Citizen Engagement through Online Platforms in Bangalore.?
1,896 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2016-17 HEC Montreal Khushboo Batra Pondicherry University Intern Under the Dept. of Languages at HEC Montreal
1,895 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2016-17 University of Calgary Dhwaj Khattar MNIT Jaipur The nanoparticle synthesis of an effective catalyst for oxygen reduction in a fuel cell and fabrication of a coated catalyst? membrane using the principle of cavitations (sonication)
1,894 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2016-17 Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal Yatin Gilhotra Delhi Technological University(DTU) A new algorithm and corresponding low power microcircuits to validate a new adaptive thresholding technique
1,893 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2016-17 Monica Shandal University of Alberta Prakashan Chellattan Veettil International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Delhi Rice seed production system in Telengana
1,892 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2016-17 Katherine Sloane Geddes University of British Columbia IIT Bombay American Institute of IndianStudies Summer LanguageProgram in Sanskrit in Pune,Maharashtra
1,891 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2016-17 University of British Columbia Sneha Singh Principal K. M. Kundnani College of Pharmacy, University of Mumbai Design, Formulation and Pharmacological Evaluation of a Polyherbal Tea Bag -A Green Solution for Hypothyroidism and It?s Associated Disorders
