The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute is a non-profit organisation with registered charitable status in Canada. The Institute is funded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Government of Canada, the Canadian International Development Agency, and Private Donors in Canada. The operations in India Office are entirely funded by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
The Institute is governed by a bi-national Executive Council, having six (6) Members-at-Large from Canadian and Indian Member Institutions as well as representatives from the Government of India and Government of Canada, headed by the president. The presidents alternate between Canada and India. The Institute also operates with the guidance of Finance and Audit Committee and the Indian Advisory Council, both are nominated by the Government of India.
The Institute also progresses with the help and support of academics and nominated members who adjudicate applications, perform peer reviews, and help in planning programmes and fundraising.
The Institute has its offices in Delhi and Calgary. The administrative work is looked after by the Executive Director and the Director who are also ex-officio members of the Executive Council.