Programme is currently closed for this year.
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute is pleased to announce a Call for Applications for Shastri Faculty Training and Internationalization Grants (SFTIG) from the faculty members/academics of all disciplines from SICI’s Canadian and Indian Member Institutions in good standing. This program aims at capacity building of the faculty members as well as internationalization of curriculum/teaching methodologies in the participating institutions. All disciplines of study supported by our member universities ranging from Social Sciences and Humanities to STEM (sciences, technology, engineering, mathematics), business, management, etc. are eligible for seeking funds from this and all other SICI programs.
The SFTIG will allow the Canadian and Indian faculty members to travel to universities of the other country upon invitation to work on receiving/delivering capacity building training in areas, such as teaching-learning pedagogy, course or curriculum development and any other areas identified by the host institutions. The duration for such faculty mobility would be between 4-6 weeks. This is a quality enhancement program geared towards capacity building of institutions and faculty members.
The SFTIG recipients will be affiliated as visiting faculty members in the host institutions in India/Canada, and will:
- Teach courses individually or in a group, and or
- Offer a series of lectures, workshops and training sessions as part of a course or on topic of interest at the host institution and or
- Develop/upgrade course module/s.
Please note the following points:
- The minimum number of grants and minimum funds available for each grant, as specified below, is guaranteed.
- Although minimum grant amount is specified as CAD$5,000, the award amount may reach up to CAD$8,000, if extra funds become available for this program. Therefore you may request SICI grant up to a maximum of CAD$8,000, while keeping in mind that you may receive only CAD$5,000.
- Besides, SICI may consider awarding more number of grants as well, subject to availability of additional funds after due process of approval.
- Institutions may receive only one STFIG award, and receipt of the award is subject to the institution being a SICI member in good standing with fully paid-up membership for the current year (2017-18).
- The selected awardees will have 2 weeks to confirm their acceptance of the SICI grant (subject to their institution’s eligibility).
- Any declined project grant or availability of surplus funds may result in award of grants among any of the wait-listed applications, subject to application of other rules of SICI which allows benefits to be more broadly distributed among its members.
- Additional Contributions from the applicants’ institutions to the project are encouraged.
Value: CAD$ 5,000/project
Number of Awards: 3 awards
SFTIG must be fully utilized within the period from 1 November 2017 to 31 May 2018.
- The applicant should be a full-time faculty member or a professor emeritus of SICI’s Canadian or Indian member institution. However, the receipt of the award is subject to the institution being a SICI member in good standing with fully paid-up membership for the current year (2017-18).
- The Applicant must be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or India.
- A letter of invitation from the host institution;
- Need Assessment from the host institution.
Application Requirement
- Please submit your APPLICATION PACKAGE to http:// on or before 28 September 2017 by 1100pm (MST).
- Mention: “Application for Shastri Faculty Training and Internationalization (SFTI) 2017-18” in the subject line.
- A COMPLETE APPLICATION PACKAGE should be a single pdf file with the following documents:
- An electronic SFTIG 2017-18 Application Form (duly filled in);
- A Project Proposal containing all the information asked for in the application form #10 - 14(i.e., Project Title, brief project summary, applicant’s background, specialization, interests and expertise, proposed course/lecture module, post project activities and Budget). The adjudication panel consists of volunteer professors from our member institutions and while best efforts are made to get diverse expertise in the panels, it is in the best interest of the applicant to use language that is comprehensible to your colleagues who are from other disciplines. Onus is on the applicant to demonstrate how their application satisfies the criteria of evaluation for this award (see below).
- List of Publications (applicant)
- Letter of Invitation (from host institution)
- Need Assessment Form (duly completed by host institution)
- Curriculum Vitae (applicant) – not more than 5 pages. All additional pages after 5th page will be removed and/or ignored during evaluation.
- Copy of Passport/PR Card (applicant)
Acceptable Expenses
a) Round Trip International Travel to/from India-Canada (economy class)
b) Local Travel (within India or in Canada);
c) Accommodation and meals;
d) Cost of equipment rental;
e) Communications (audio, video conferencing, promotional materials);
f) Translation, Printing and Copying costs.
Evaluation Criteria
An adjudicating committee will make the final decision concerning successful applicants based upon the following criteria and marking system:
1 Project’s Objectives and methodology (10 points)
2 Scholarship of the SFTIG faculty members/researchers (10 points)
3 Potential contribution to knowledge in the field of higher education in India and or Canada ( 10 points)
4 Soundness of work/project with regard to capacity building of the faculty members of the host institution (10 points)
5 Potential contribution to internationalization of curriculum/teaching methodology/pedagogy of the host institution ( 10 points)
Disbursement of Funds
75% of the project grant will be disbursed upon signing of letter of agreement between SICI and recipient’s institution and remaining 25% to be released upon submission and approval of a final report to SICI by the recipient.
Application Deadline
- 28 September 2017 (11:00pm MST)
Application Form:
Report Form:
- Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.
- All application materials must be submitted through the Grant Management System online. Any material that is sent by other means (courier, post, fax or electronic) to our offices will not be entered in the competition
- Names of the successful applicants will be uploaded on SICI website (
For more information, please contact
Mahmuda Aldeen
Program and Member Relations Officer
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
Education Tower 1402
2500 University Dr NW
Calgary AB T2N 1N4
Phone: (403) 220-3220
Email: (