Prof. John Winterdyk, Department of Economics, Justice and Policy Studies, Mount Royal University, Canada is arriving in India to teach a course at Dr.H.S.Gaur University , Sagar, M.P. in April 2019 under the GIAN Programme.
Kindly let us know latest by March 5, 2019 if you would be interested to host him for a lecture /talk at your University/ Institution during the period April 2 - 6, 2019. You may even like to organize one day Workshop or a Seminar with him in collaboration with one or more SICI member institutions near you.
His CV and the topics he can speak on are given here for your consideration:
In addition to doing something on human trafficking, some of the other topics which he could readily offer:
- how to get published (done this workshop for a number of graduate programs around the world)
- engaging in comparative criminological/criminal justice research
- proposing a new model for juvenile justice
- crime prevention related talks
- policing and modern technology
- exploring collaborative research initiatives with colleagues in India
Open to other suggestions but given that no honorarium is possible, he prefer not to have to spend additional time preparing new material. However, if there are suggestions that fit within his scope of expertise/knowledge, he will be happy to entertain any such requests.
Brief CV of Prof. John Winterdyk
Date of availability: April 2 - 6, 2019
Facilitation and Information Centre
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
5 Bhai Vir Singh Marg ,New Delhi,
INDIA -110 001
Telephone: 91-11-2374-6417/3114
Fax: 91-11-2374-6416

Session/workshop at Indian Institute of Management Nagpur
Dear Prof. Winterdyk,
We would request you to present a session/workshop at IIM Nagpur in April. Please email to CCing Anju, if you are interested to do so. We look forward to hearing from you.
Thiagu Ranganathan

Seminar/Workshop at Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati
Dear Prof. Winterdyk,
We would request you to do a workshop/seminar on 'policing and modern technology/human trafficking' or on the theme of your choice at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Tirupati for our faculty, PhD students and post-graduate and undergraduate students, including participants from the local universities, during your stay here.
Kindly let us know how to take this further.
Bharath Kumar
E-mail id:

Dear Professor John Winterdyk
Greetings from Institute of Law, Nirma University.
We take pleasure in introducing Institute of Law - Nirma University (lL-NU), Ahmedabad, Gujarat. In a short span of time, IL-NU has acquired significant prominence and considered one of the best legal institutions of the country. It offers five year integrated degree course leading to the award of B.A.,LL.B (Hons.) and B.Com,LL.B (Hons). It also offers LL.M. (Business Law), One Year LL.M. (Legal Research and Pedagogy) and Ph.D degree in Law.
Institute of Law has been conferred with “Institutional Excellence Award” by Society of Indian Law Firm (SILF) and Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy Training (MILAT) in September, 2012 for its contribution for the innovative clinical education in the country.
We write to you with reference from Ms. Anju Taneja. Institute of Law, Nirma University in collaboration with Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute would like to host you to deliver distinguished lecture / to conduct workshop or seminar on “Human trafficking” and / or “Policing and Modern Technology” between 4th to 6th April, 2019.
We request you to kindly accept our humble invitation and bless us with incessant words of knowledge.
With thanks and profound regards.
With Regards,
Prof. (Dr.) Purvi Pokhariyal
Director and Dean
Institute of Law, Nirma University
E-mail :-

Dear Professor John Winterdyk
Greetings from Institute of Law, Nirma University.
We take pleasure in introducing Institute of Law - Nirma University (lL-NU), Ahmedabad, Gujarat. In a short span of time, IL-NU has acquired significant prominence and considered one of the best legal institutions of the country. It offers five year integrated degree course leading to the award of B.A.,LL.B (Hons.) and B.Com,LL.B (Hons). It also offers LL.M. (Business Law), One Year LL.M. (Legal Research and Pedagogy) and Ph.D degree in Law.
Institute of Law has been conferred with “Institutional Excellence Award” by Society of Indian Law Firm (SILF) and Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy Training (MILAT) in September, 2012 for its contribution for the innovative clinical education in the country.
We write to you with reference from Ms. Anju Taneja. Institute of Law, Nirma University in collaboration with Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute would like to host you to deliver distinguished lecture / to conduct workshop or seminar on “Human trafficking” and / or “Policing and Modern Technology” between 4th to 6th April, 2019
We request you to kindly accept our humble invitation and bless us with incessant words of knowledge.
With thanks and profound regards.
With Regards,
Prof. (Dr.) Purvi Pokhariyal
Director and Dean
Institute of Law, Nirma University
E-mail :

Dear Professor John Winterdyk:
Greetings from University of Mumbai.
With respect to the email and the appeal from Ms. Taneja, SICI, Delhi office, University of Mumbai would like to host you to deliver a talk on 'Proposing a new model for juvenile justice' and/or a workshop on 'How to get published' on any date convenient to you between 2nd April and 6th April 2019.
It would be our pleasure to listen to you. Hence, I sincerely request you to kindly accept our invitation for the same.
Looking forward to your reply.
Thank you,
Sachin Labade, Ph.D
Coordinator, SICIC
University of Mumbai
E-mail :