1,807 |
CS- Doctoral Research |
2005-06 |
McGill University |
Seema Sharma |
University of Madras |
Railways as a vehicle of change as depicted in literature - A comparative study between India and Canada |
1,806 |
CS- Faculty Enrichment |
2005-06 |
University of British Columbia |
Dhir Sarangi |
University of Delhi |
Initiation into Modern Art of the West - Study of European, American and Canadian Paintings: Comparison and Contrast (from the 18th to the 20th Century) |
1,805 |
CS- Faculty Research |
2005-06 |
University of Toronto |
S. Srinivasa Rao |
Jawaharlal Nehru University |
Family, Community, and School in Multi-cultural Contexts: Educational Experiences of Indian Immigrant Children in Canada |
1,804 |
CS- Faculty Research |
2005-06 |
University of Toronto |
Krishnarajapet V. Ramaswamy |
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research |
Market structure, competition and competition policy in Canada and India: A Comparative study and lessons for India |
1,803 |
CS- Faculty Research |
2005-06 |
Trent University |
George Mathew |
Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi |
Comparative study of the Local Government in Canada and India |
1,802 |
CS- Faculty Research |
2005-06 |
University of Toronto |
Shipra Maitra |
Institute for Human Development |
Local Government Financial Reform Process: Case Study of Delhi and Toronto |
1,801 |
CS- Faculty Enrichment |
2005-06 |
University of Calgary |
Yogesh Dubey |
Indian Institute of Forest Management |
Public Participation in EIA |
1,800 |
CS- Faculty Research |
2005-06 |
Ashwini Deshpande |
University of Delhi |
Migration and differentiation: the Indian Diaspora in Canada |
1,799 |
CS- Faculty Research |
2005-06 |
Univesity of Calgary |
Samarth Dahiwale |
University of Pune |
Entrepreneurship among the Aboriginal Peoples in Canada |
1,798 |
CS- Faculty Research |
2005-06 |
University of Ottawa |
Pinaki Chakraborty |
National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) |
Federal Funding Arrangement to Aboriginal Self Governments in Canada: Lessons for India |