
Alumni Details

S_No Program Name Year Canadian Scholar Canadian Institution Indian Scholar Indian Institution Project Title
2,098 Shastri Mobility Programme(SMP) 2017-18 Concordia University Mohammed Latif Khan Dr. Harisingh Gour University *To carry out small Research Project of 2-3 weeks duration in collaboration with Indian or Canadian faculty
2,097 Shastri Research Student Fellowship (SRSF) 2017-18 University of Saskatchewan Vartika Tomar University of Delhi In Silico Design And Development of Pparγ Agonists As Chemotherapeutic Agents For Her2 Metastatic Breast Cancer
2,096 Shastri Research Student Fellowship (SRSF) 2017-18 McMaster University Kamla Rawat Jawaharlal Nehru University Multi-Purpose Bio-Nano Hybrid Materials: Bio inspired Chemistry
2,095 Shastri Research Student Fellowship (SRSF) 2017-18 Poushali Maji University of British Columbia IIT Bombay Climate Change, Air Quality and Development: Where are the win-wins (if any)?
2,094 Shastri Research Student Fellowship (SRSF) 2017-18 University of British Columbia Lijo John IIM Kozhikode WASH Clusters For Improved Healthcare During Disaster response
2,093 Shastri Research Student Fellowship (SRSF) 2017-18 University of Toronto Manojit Ray IIT Kharagpur Behavior Influencing Energy Gateway Transformation in Canada - An Involved Exploration
2,092 Shastri Research Student Fellowship (SRSF) 2017-18 Sameena sameena University of British Columbia IIT Kanpur In the grey zone between Itinerant Commercial Exhibitions and Bombay Cinema: Practices and Technologies of Vernacular Photography in North India, 1920-1980s
2,091 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2017-18 University of Ottawa Sankha Subhra Bhattacharjee IIT Gandhinagar Speech enhancement in binaural digital hearing aids
2,090 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2017-18 McMaster University Ritwick Ghosh Jadavpur University Smart metal mesh fog filters for detecting air-borne pathogens
2,089 Shastri Research Student Fellowship (SRSF) 2017-18 UQAM Krishanu Roy The Institute of Mathematical Sciences(IMSc) Growth type and length generating function of quotients of Coxeter group by reflection subgroups
