
Alumni Details

S_No Program Name Year Canadian Scholar Canadian Institution Indian Scholar Indian Institution Project Title
2,239 Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grant (SSTSG) 2019-20 Zhu Qian University of Waterloo IIT Roorkee Integration of space syntax and new urban data in urban morphological analysis: A study of three neighborhoods in ZIAN China
2,238 Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grant (SSTSG) 2019-20 University of Saskatchewan Meetu Khosla University of Delhi Indian Indigenous Psychology: Spirituality, Yoga and Traditional Practices.
2,237 Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grant (SSTSG) 2019-20 Memorial University of Newfoundland Sanghmitra S. Acharya Jawaharlal Nehru University Health literacy and access to care services across countries- Lessons from Canada and India
2,236 Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grant (SSTSG) 2019-20 Michel Gravel University of Saskatchewan IIT Bombay N-Heterocyclic Carbene Organocatalysis
2,235 Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grant (SSTSG) 2019-20 Saint Mary's University Rajani Mullerpatan MGM Institute of Health Sciences Scientific exploration of Indian traditional movement forms for health promotion.
2,234 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2018-19 University of Waterloo Ekagra Ranjan Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Human pose estimation and tracking for the game of ice hockey using deep learning
2,233 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2018-19 York University Rhea Mammen National Law School of India University Towards Socially relevant legal Education: through curriculum mapping
2,232 Shastri Research Student Fellowship(SRSF) 2018-19 Laval University Asim Rizvi Aligarh Muslim University Characterization of pro-cancerous roles of poly(ADP- ribose) polymerase-1 in solar ultraviolet radiation-induced skin cancer
2,231 Shastri Membership Development Grant (SMDF) 2018-19 Prof. Neilesh Bose University of Victoria SICI Global South Asian Forum 2018-19 Seminar and Reception
2,230 Shastri Membership Development Grant (SMDF) 2018-19 Prof. Girish M Shah Laval University Info session on the grant programs offered by SICI
