
Alumni Details

S_No Program Name Year Canadian Scholar Canadian Institution Indian Scholar Indian Institution Project Title
99 Parternship Development Seed Grant(PDSG) 2009-10 Dr. Phil Dearden University of Victoria Dr. Rajesh Tandon Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) Creating an India-Canada Community-based Research Partnership Program for Environmental & Social Sustainability
98 Parternship Development Seed Grant(PDSG) 2009-10 Dr. Robin Wright University of Windsor Dr. Santiago Joseph Bharathidasan University and Udhayam (Capucin Friars minor multipurpose social service society) Tamil Nadu Child and Family Health Study: Socioeconomic factors interrelatedness to health status and quality of life of children and mothers in Triuchirappalli and four adjacent districts
97 Parternship Development Seed Grant(PDSG) 2009-10 Dr. Elizabeth Finnis University of Guelph Dr. Karanjot Kaur Brar & Dr. Smita Bhutani, Centre for Advanced Study in Geography, Panjab University Women and Sustainable Agriculture: Experiences from the Field
96 Parternship Development Seed Grant(PDSG) 2009-10 Dr. Purnima George Ryerson University Dr. Mary Alphonse College of Social Work, University of Mumbai Collaborative Globalization Research across Cultures and Disciplines
95 Parternship Development Seed Grant(PDSG) 2009-10 Dr. Ash Parameswaran Simon Fraser University Dr. V. Lakshminarayan Raman Research Institute, Bangalore Collaborative Research & Development of Micro-Fluidic unit for the diagnosis and treatment of infantile diarrheal epidemic in Indian rural areas
94 Millennium Development Goals Research Grant (MDG) 2008-09 Dr. S.G. Newmaster University of Guelph Dr. N.C. Balasubramaniam Centre for Biocultural Diversity, Chennai The Assemblage of Biodiversity Knowledge Toward an En-gendered Cultural Approach to Environmental Sustainability
93 Millennium Development Goals Research Grant (MDG) 2008-09 Dr. Ratna Gosh McGill University Dr. Paromita Chakravarti Jadavpur University Women's Empowerment and Education: Panchayats and Women's Self Help Groups in India
92 Millennium Development Goals Research Grant (MDG) 2008-09 Dr. Darlene E. Clover University of Victoria Dr. Rajesh Tandon & Surinder Shukla Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) Women?s Nonformal Political Education and Learning in Canada and India: An International Study to Promote Gender Equality and Women?s Empowerment
91 Millennium Development Goals Research Grant (MDG) 2008-09 Dr. Susan Wismer University of Waterloo Dr. Ramani Sankaranarayanan Gram Vikas (grassroots organization) and CTxGreEn (non-profit organization) Linking People to Land Regeneration through Livelihood-Reinforcing Energy Service.
90 Millennium Development Goals Research Grant (MDG) 2008-09 Dr. John R. Wood University of British Columbia Dr. Amita Shah & Jharna Pathak- Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR) and Dr. Shashidharan Enarth- Development Support Centre Poverty Eradication in Rural India: Poverty Reduction and the Community Management of Natural Resources in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh
