
Alumni Details

S_No Program Name Year Canadian Scholar Canadian Institution Indian Scholar Indian Institution Project Title
1,237 Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grant (SSTSG) 2014-15 Nigel Caulkett University of Calgary KVASU, Pookode, Lakkidi, Wayanad, Kerela Identifying Priority Areas in Wildlife Conservation in Wayanad and the role of KVASU
1,236 Collaborative Research Grant(CRG) 2007-08 Prof. Swapan Bhattacharya Indian Institute of Public Administration Indraprastha Estate, Delhi India-Canada Free Trade Arrangement (FTA): An Exploratory Analysis
1,235 Collaborative Research Grant(CRG) 2007-08 Prof. Vijender Kumar NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad A Study of Law and Nanotechnology: Exploring the dimensions for tackling the Nanotechnology revolution with special relevance to Human Rights and Environment
1,234 Collaborative Research Grant(CRG) 2011-12 Dr. Versha Banerji University of Manitoba Prof. Renu Saxena All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AllMS) A Comparison of the Clinical And Molecular Features of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) in Indian and Canadian Populations
1,233 Collaborative Research Grant(CRG) 2012-13 Prof. Daniel Aaron Drache York University Dr. Tabrez Ahmed Neyazi Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Media Framing in India?s 2014 Election Campaigns: Mass Circulation Indigenous English Language Press, and the Parties, Issues and Candidates
1,232 Collaborative Research Grant(CRG) 2012-13 Prof. Bilkis Vissandjee University of Montreal Dr. Kamal Cheema The Prince Aly Khan Hospital, Mazagoan, Mumbai Nursing Education and Research: Paving Collaborative Ways for Excellent Quality of Care
1,231 Collaborative Research Grant(CRG) 2012-13 Dr. Brajesh Kumar Dubey University of Guelph Dr. Subrata Hait IIT Patna Development of GravityRemoval of Arsenic and Iron Contamination of Groundwater in Patna District, Bihar, India
1,230 Collaborative Research Grant(CRG) 2011-12 Dr. Prithiviraj Nova Scotia Agricultural College Dr. T. Rathakrishnan Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Precision Farming for Enhancing the Livelihood Security of Farmers
1,229 Collaborative Research Grant(CRG) 2011-12 Prof. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan University of Calgary Prof. Sudipta Mukhopadhyay IIT Kharagpur An Indo-Canadian Effort for the Development of Computer-aided Diagnosis Systems for Medical Images
1,228 Collaborative Research Grant(CRG) 2011-12 Prof. Loong-Tak Lim University of Guelph Prof. Natarajan Srinivasan IIT Madras Development of active packaging to extend the shelf-life of perishable food
