
Alumni Details

S_No Program Name Year Canadian Scholar Canadian Institution Indian Scholar Indian Institution Project Title
1,497 India Studies-Arts 2004-05 Chhabra, Babeeta Shankara Foundation, Bangalore North Indian Classical music under the study of Sumitraji (Sumitra Guha)
1,496 India Studies-Arts 2004-05 Basu, Dali Shriram Bharatiya Kala Kendra, Delhi Training in India Classical Dance
1,495 India Studies? Faculty Research 2004-05 Leona Anderson University of Regina University of Mysore The Virupaksavasantotsava of Ahobala: An annotated translation
1,494 Indian Studies - Language Training 2004-05 Murthy, Naveen Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore Reading and writing Kannada
1,493 Library Program 2004-05 Number of Books - 16895
1,492 Shastri Applied Research Project (SHARP) 2004-05 Eckhard Siggel Concordia University Pradeep Agrawal Institute of Economic Growth Economic Reforms in India and Their Impact on Exports, Employment and Poverty
1,491 Shastri Applied Research Project (SHARP) 2004-05 Gary VanLoon Queen's University Amita Shah Gujarat Institute of Development Research Food Security and Sustainable Production Systems in India: Implications Under Trade Liberalization
1,490 Shastri Applied Research Project (SHARP) 2004-05 Mukesh Eswaran and Ashok Kotwal University of British Columbia Willima Wadhwa Bharat Ramaswami India Development Foundation The Impact of Economic Reform on Employment and Poverty
1,489 Shastri Applied Research Project (SHARP) 2004-05 Shree Mulay McGill University Atul Sood Jawaharlal Nehru University Impact of Liberalization & International Trade Regimes on Access to Medicines and Health Sciences
1,488 Shastri Applied Research Project (SHARP) 2004-05 Shanthi Johnson Acadia University Sebastian Irudaya Rajan Centre for Development Studies,Kerala Promoting Healthy Aging through Community Development in India
