
Grants, Awards and Opportunities for Indian/Canadian Scholars


Shastri Bilateral Education Forum (SBEF) 2025 (OPEN) Deadline: February 14, 2025 |11:00 pm (MDT)

Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grants (SSTSG) 2024-25 (CLOSED)  Deadline: August 18, 2024 |11:00 pm (MDT)   

Shastri Alberta Students in India (SASI) Project 2024-25 (CLOSED) (Click Here for  Result)

SICI launched its first bi-national thematic cluster on ‘Agriculture’ in the year 2022. In continuance to 6 (six) sub-thematic online workshops, one in-person roundtable/ partnership meet was organized in October 2022 to facilitate face-to-face interaction. The Roundtable was attended by over 60 faculty members and researchers from both countries.

As a humble beginning, SICI is offering a couple of programmes to further the activities of the Agri-cluster. The main objective of these programmes is increasing cluster efficiency and establishing long-term collaborations. These programmes and activities are listed below-

In March 2023 SICI launched the second thematic cluster on "One Health" in the wake of the success of the first bi-national Agri-cluster. Around a hundred experts from various institutions and organizations from Canada and India participated physically and virtually to explore possible collaborations on varied verticals of One Health. SICI plans to hold three to four virtual workshops on the themes such zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, food safety and food security, vector-borne diseases, environmental contamination, and threats to people, animals.

As part of its efforts to strengthen and nurture the newly formed 'One Health Cluster,' Shastri Institute has launched a couple of programmes. The following activities and programmes are open to receive applications :