

Programme is now closed for the year 2023-24               Click Here for Result 

The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) is pleased to announce a Call for Applications for Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grants (SSTSG) 2023-24 for SICI’s Canadian and Indian Member Institutions to strengthen institutional and scholarly linkages.

Key objectives:

  • Assist faculty members, post-doctoral and doctoral students with travel to participate in conferences, workshops, seminars and academic meetings in alternate partner countries (India or Canada);
  • Facilitate enhancing personal and professional growth of Indian and Canadian scholars and institutions.
  • Facilitate promoting academic linkages between India and Canada.


  • CAD$ 1,500 to support the scholar’s international economy class round trip airfare between Canada-India;

Eligible Expenses:

  • International economy class round trip airfare between Canada-India;
  • Associated costs related to visas, meals, per diem and accommodation are not eligible

Number of Awards:

  • Five (5) awards for students;
  • Five (5) awards for faculty

Eligible TimeframeMay 15, 2023, to August 31, 2024

Eligible Institutions

  • Institutions subject in good standing with fully paid-up SICI membership for the current year (2023-24); Please visit for a complete list of SICI’s Canadian and Indian Members Council Institutions;
  • Institutions may receive only one SSTSG award, student or faculty;

Eligible Applicants

  • Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of India and or Canada;
  • Applicants must be a full-time faculty member/researcher/student (doctoral and post-doctoral) of an eligible institution;
  • A student or a faculty who was awarded an SSTSG in 2022 - 2023 is not eligible until SSTSG in 2024 - 2025;

Application Requirements and Evaluation Criteria:

A complete application package should be a single pdf file with the SSTSG Application Form 2023-24 and following sections in sequential order:

  1. Description of the event, including the objectives, the topics/themes, expected scholarly inputs/outputs and intended contributions and the format (three (3) pages);  (10 Points)
  2. Details of professional backgrounds and contributions of scholars and demonstration of successful outputs and strengthening linkages (two (2) pages); (5 points)
  3. Proof of acceptance of the paper/presentation from the organizer/host institution and letter of invitation;
  4. Curriculum Vitae of the applicant in India or Canada, not more than three (3) pages. All additional pages after the 3rd page will be removed.
  5. Curriculum Vitae of the academic host in India or Canada (for academic visit), not more than three (3) pages. All additional pages after the 3rd page will be removed;
  6. Copy of a valid Passport/PR Card.
  7. Copy of original community certificate (for applicants from SC/ST/OBC category)

Application Deadline: July 10, 2023 (11:00 pm MST)

Application Package Submission Process

Complete Application Package:  Email your complete electronic SSTSG application form along with all required documents to with subject line: "SSTSG Application 2023-24" on or before July 10, 2023, by 1100 pm (MST).

Application Form: Student  |  Faculty 

Report Format: Form 

Report SubmissionEmail your Final Report (format attached above) to


For more information or queries, please email to:
Mahmuda Aldeen
Program and Member Relations Officer